About Me

Born in San Diego, I have a passion for learning and solving problems. I am currently pursuing my Bacherlors and Masters degree in Computer Engineering at UC Santa Barbara, with a major in Machine Learning and a minor in Embedded Systems. I have technical experience at Seek Thermal, UCSB Marine Science Institute, Shiphawk, and Xtensible.ai

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Software Languages: Python, C++, C#, C, Java, JavaScript, Verilog, RISC-V

Hardware Experience: Circuit Design, Digital Systems, and Computer Architecture

Development Tools - GitHub, Bitbucket, VS, VS Code, Jupyter, Collab, JetBrains


Here are some projects I have created in my free time, as well as in classes

SMALLE - Oakley Lab

Repaired and constructed the watertight camera systems 'SMALLE' for the Oakley lab to film underwater bioluminescent ostracods.

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Encrypted Video FingerPrinting

Neural Network and Machine Learning Classifier model built from UCSB Pinot video stream captures to identify Encrypted Videos

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MicroController Aperature

STM32L476RG-Nucleo Microcontroller connected to Bluetooth HC-05, Stepper Motor, Temperature, and Accelerometer peripherals using UART, SPI, I2C, and DMA.

Bloom Filter Report

Comprehensive report analyzing different parameters for optimal coded Bloom Filter

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Google Cloud website and database for music queueing for multiple people, and upvoting.

Tie Fighter

Tie Fighter stage 18ft wide, 12ft tall, built from wood and modeled in Blender

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ThunderBird Tailights

Encoded FPGA with Verilog to display LED's with Thunderbird brake, go, turn, and hazards signals